Application Process and Timeline
Application Process & Timeline
How to Apply
Applications are made in two steps. The first step requires the completion of a Letter of Intent. Please download the form and submit completed forms to us at
Letters of Intent will be reviewed by The SAC, which includes experts in immunology, bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy. Investigators who submit Letters of Intent that are approved by the SAC will be asked to complete a full application form, which will be emailed to those applicants.
As with the Letters of Intent, the completed applications will be reviewed by members of the SAC; and the committee will determine which proposals will be funded. The decisions of the SAC and the Wiskott Aldrich Foundation board are final.
Each application will be reviewed based on the following set of criteria:
Scientific merit
Qualifications of applicant
Quality of environment
Alignment with program goals.
All applications that meet the criteria in the above categories will be ranked and funded until the allotted funds are exhausted.
Expenses Covered Under the Grant
Permitted expenses include a contribution towards the salary of the principal investigator, co-investigators, and support staff, e.g. coordinator or data manager, plus equipment and supplies specifically required to complete the project's aims. Travel expenses directly related to the implementation of the project are allowed plus those required to disseminate the results at scientific congresses. In addition, the costs associated with the publication of the research are permitted. Costs associated with applying for an IND or its equivalent and with IRB/ethics board review are also allowed.
Institutional Overhead Payments (IOP) may be requested and should be included in the amount requested: IOP will be paid out of the amount funded, not in addition to it.
The Funding Process
The SAC will participate in the selection of grants and makes all funding recommendations to the Wiskott Aldrich Foundation Board for approval. Each funded researcher is required to provide The Wiskott-Aldrich Foundation with a project status report per deadlines set by the Scientific Advisory Committee/time lines as described below. The Foundation also receives copies of publications highlighting the work of Grant recipients.
Timelines (will be updated when we start the next cycle)
Letters of Intent (LOI's) will be reviewed by members of the SAC, and those applicants whose LOI's are approved by the committee will be emailed a full proposal form for completion.
Funded applicants must send a letter of acceptance and enter into a contract with Wiskott-Aldrich Foundation which outlines both parties' responsibilities and obligations prior to the disbursement of funds.
If the project is a clinical research project involving human research subjects, IRB approval and informed consent from each subject must be obtained. A detailed time line highlighting these milestones will enable both investigator and the foundation to manage expectations. Once these milestones have been met, the first disbursement of funds can be made. Following receipt of a midterm report, the second disbursement of funds is made; and the final disbursement is made after receipt of a final report. The foundation encourages investigators to publish their work.
A foundation representative will be in touch on a quarterly basis to ensure that all milestones are met on a timely basis. A report of how the funds were used should be included on a quarterly basis. It is essential that investigators agree to set aside time for this meeting when requested. Wiskott-Aldrich Foundation may withdraw research funding if milestones are not met, and the study does not progress in a timely fashion.