>Physicians in Asia

Physicians in Asia


Xiquiang Yang, M.D.*

Children's Hospital,

Chongquing University Medical Sciences,

Children's Hospital Chongqing University of Medical Sciences

136 Zhongshan Er Road,

Yuzhong District, Chongqing 400014, China

Tel: 86-23-63632756

E mail: xiqyang@163.com

Hong Kong

Professor YL Lau, M.D., FRCP*

Chair Professor & Head

Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine

The University of Hong Kong

Queen Mary Hospital

Hong Kong

Tel#: (852) 2855 4481

Fax#: (852) 2855 1523

Email: lauylung@hkucc.hku.hk

Website: www.hku.hk/paed


Dr. Mammen Chandy, M.D.

Dr. Mammen Chandy MD, FRACP, FRCPA


Tata Medical Center

1, Bishop Lefroy Road, Kolkata - 700020

T : (91) 9894481640, 033 22810175

E : mammen.chandy@tmckolkata.com


Amos Etzioni, M.D.

Director, Meyers Children's Hospital

Professor, Bruce Rappaport Medicine

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Rambam medical center

Efron St. PO Box 9649

Haifa, Israel 31096

Phone: 972-4-854-1622

Fax: 972-4-854-1870

E Mail: etzioni@rambam.health.gov.il


Kosuke Imai, M.D.

Associate Professor

Dept of Medical Information

National Defense Medical College

3-2 Namiki

Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513


Phone: 81-42-995-1621

Fax: 81-42-996-5204

E Mail: kimai@ndmc.ac.jp

Shigeaki Nonoyama, M.D.

Department of Ontogney and Childhood Development,

Department of Pediatrics,

Tokyo Medical and Dental University,

1-5-45, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8519, Japan.

E Mail: nonoyama@ndmc.ac.jp

Russian Federation

Anna Shcherbina, M.D. PhD.

Leninsky prospect 117/2 117513 Moscow Russia

Phone: 7-095-135-6259

Fax: 7-095-135-1405

E Mail: shcher26@hotmail.com


Dr. Wen-I Lee

Immunodeficiency Diagnosis and Research Institute

Chang Gung Memory Hospital and University College of Medicine

#5 Fu-Shing St. (Pediatric Office 12 L), Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, Taiwan (ROC)

Tel. +886 3 328 1200, ext. 8969

Fax +886 3 328 8957

E-Mail: wen2707@hotmail.com

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